EHP Labs OxyWhey

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  • Regular price $74.94

OxyWhey Lean Whey Protein is a delicious 100% lean grass-fed whey protein powder by EHPlabs comprising of the best quality sources of protein. With 24 grams of lean whey protein per serving, virtually no carbs, sugars, cholesterol or lactose, OxyWhey will help you achieve a healthy daily protein intake while promoting weight loss, lean muscle growth and recovery. 


OxyWhey contains potent metabolism boosting ingredients to stimulate metabolic activity and fat breakdown. It's also boosted with immunity supporting ingredients, mood enhancers and digestive enzymes to maximize protein digestion and absorption, as well as reducing stomach discomfort. OxyWhey whey protein mixes exceptionally well with just water, making it a delicious and guilt-free addition to breakfast, a nutritious snack between meals or an extra dose of lean protein throughout the day.